China: 100,000 iPhones in 40 days
by Philip Elmer-DeWittThe chairman of China Unicom finally has some sales figures to reportThe numbers coming out of China since Apple (AAPL) launched...
China Unicom: 300,000 iPhones sold
by Philip Elmer-DeWittAfter a slow start — and a flood of gray market devices — official sales gather momentumiPhonAsia's Dan Butterfield, citing Chin...
How many iPhones will Apple sell in China?
By Philip Elmer-DeWittIt's tempting to multiply China's 700 million mobile phone users by a percentage pulled out of a hat, and now that China Unicom ...
Wi-Fi iPhones coming to China Monday
China Unicom, Apple's exclusive carrier in the world's largest cellphone market, announced Friday that it will begin selling iPhones equipped with Wi-...
Rumor: 40-45 million iPhones in 2010
A Taiwanese supplier reports that Apple has doubled its order for iPhone image sensorsby Philip Elmer-DeWittCamera app icon. Image: Apple Inc.OmniVisi...
Tech: Are happy days here again?
by Jon ForttIs it time to dust off the party hats?From the cheery headlines accompanying the latest round of tech earnings, you’d think so. Google (GO...
China's love affair with Apple
What is it with the Chinese and their iPhones?Source: Company reportsThe signs were everywhere: The steady stream of human traffic from New York's Chi...
China runs out of iPhone 4s
Sold out at Apple Stores, authorized resellers and China UnicomSource: Guangzhou DailyNow those stories about Chinese housewives smuggling Apple (AAPL...
16% of teens, 30% of professionals plan to buy iPhones
By Philip Elmer-DeWittTwo surveys released Tuesday, one of American teenagers, the other of professionals and early adopters, show interest in Apple’s...
How many iPhones did Apple sell?
As it has for the past three quarters, the iPhone will almost certainly represent the single biggest portion of Apple's considerable revenue stream wh...